People of the Senedd

Jane Dodds MS

Jane Dodds MS

Senedd Regional Member

Welsh Liberal Democrats

Not affiliated to a Political Group

Mid and West Wales

My Senedd Activities

Diolch yn fawr iawn. I think I'm just going to say half of what I was going to say, because it’s great to hear that your committee will be looking at this. Diolch yn fawr iawn. And I’m re...

Plenary | 30/04/2024

Thank you so much. I wasn't going to speak on this. I virtually had to chain myself to the chair in order not to say anything on the voting system. However, thank you for referring to me....

Plenary | 30/04/2024

—if that's all right, Llywydd? Thank you for allowing the intervention. You talk about more work needing to be done, but you've heard that we've waited a long time to get to this stage, a...

Plenary | 30/04/2024

I wish to add my support so that we have cross-party representatives who are supporting this amendment. And thank you to Adam Price as well for bringing this amendment forward. While num...

Plenary | 30/04/2024

I'm making a very brief statement because I want to make sure that the Welsh Liberal Democrats are also joining together in this cross-party support in relation to the workers at Port Tal...

Plenary | 30/04/2024

Good afternoon, Trefnydd. I wonder if I could have a statement from the Cabinet Secretary for, I've forgotten now, for social justice and something else, culture—apologies—on the Safety o...

Plenary | 30/04/2024

More information and calendar events

Detailed information: Jane Dodds MS


Personal history

Jane was born and raised in Wrexham in a Welsh-speaking family where she  attended Welsh junior school and graduated from Cardiff University before training to become a social worker. Having first moving to Welshpool, Jane now lives in Hay-on-Wye with her husband Patrick and their rescue dog Arthur.

Professional background

Jane was a Child Protection Social Worker for 27 years, working to protect vulnerable children at home and abroad, before returning to Wales in 2012.

Political history

Jane was first elected as the Welsh Liberal Democrats Leader in November 2017 in an all-member ballot.


Terms of office

  1. 08/05/2021 -

View Current Register of Interests

Cross Party Membership


Media Assets

Calendar events: Jane Dodds MS