Filming, photography, broadcasting and recording requests

Filming, photography, live broadcasting and recording is allowed on the Senedd estate where possible.

Before applying for permission though, there are criteria that should be considered beforehand.

The Senedd and Senedd estate will not be used for product placement and commercial endorsement.

The Senedd and Senedd estate will also not be used for filming, recording or broadcasting of explicit, violent or other inappropriate content.

Requests cannot impact on Senedd Business i.e. affect plenary or committee meetings. Where possible, arrangements can be made to film, broadcast or record outside of business days.

The Senedd estate is open to the public and, as such, there may be other events taking place at the same time. We would not move or postpone these events, some of which may involve a large number of attendees and could use PA systems or video equipment.

Any request would be examined to see how it features the work of the Senedd, or showcases the Senedd estate.

Any request would also be examined from a logistical point of view; whether it involved a lot of people, equipment, vehicles on-site, or scenery and props.

Any request would be considered against potential security implications, including the requirement to provide extra staffing (the cost of which would be met by the company making the request), or a police search of containers, equipment and vehicles (the cost of which would be met by the company making the request).

Large-scale productions e.g. drama productions, feature films, or panel discussions with a studio audience would be required to submit full risk assessments and provide proof of public liability insurance. It may also be necessary for a site recce to discuss requirements with Senedd Commission staff.

Further advice, including possible locations on the Senedd estate, capacity and availability, is available from the Senedd news team.

To make a filming, photography, recording or live broadcasting request, please fill in our online form with as much detail as possible.

Image and video requests

A library of images is available for media to use and it’s possible to clip and download video of public Senedd and Committee meeting from

More information available here: Images and Video