The Assembly’s ways of working - innovative, effective and accessible?

Published 23/06/2010   |   Last Updated 14/07/2014

The Assembly’s ways of working - innovative, effective and accessible?

23 June 2010

As we enter the second decade of devolution in Wales, what reform would you welcome to the National Assembly’s ways of working?

This is the question being asked by the National Assembly for Wales as part of its current review of Standing Orders, the rules which govern how it operates.

The Business Committee wants to hear from organisations or individuals who have ideas about how to make the Assembly easier to understand, more accessible and more effective.

Join us between 12.00 - 13.30 on Friday 2 July at the Pierhead, Cardiff Bay, to discuss how the Assembly could improve the ways it:

  • represents the people of Wales.

  • makes laws; and

  • holds the Welsh Government to account.

During this lunchtime discussion a panel of experts, including Dr Ruth Fox (Hansard Society), Professor Laura McAllister (University of Liverpool), Adrian Crompton (National Assembly for Wales) and a representative from Public Affairs Cymru, will give their views on how Standing Orders can be developed to deliver these key functions. A question and answer session will provide the opportunity for all attendees to contribute to this dialogue, providing innovative, challenging and constructive suggestions about how we can improve the way we do business.

Further information about the Review of Standing Orders

RSVP: Friday 25 June

029 2089 8563

Review of Standing Orders: Note of Pierhead event